March 27, 2017

Freedom from "folders"!

Do you have more than 20 folders? Do you spend time moving messages to these folders and searching through folders? Do you create mail rules, which automatically route emails from your Inbox to folders, making you check multiple folders for new emails and forcing you to spend much more time managing your email tasks?

There is an easier way. A much easier way.

Start using FewClix "My Searches" instead, and you never have to move an email, ever again!

When you use My Searches, your emails never move. They still stay in their original location, but are accessible at the click of a button, just like you would access emails in a "virtual folder".

Let's assume that "James" is one of your folders.

Step 1: Ensure that 'Current Mailbox' is selected, type "James" in Sender and hit Enter.

Freedom from folders

Step 2: Click on the My Searches "Save" icon.

Freedom from folders

Step 3: Type "James" and click "OK".

Freedom from folders

Now, all you have to do is click on "My Searches", choose "James" and click OK.

Freedom from folders

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